Aš joms sakau - marš į vieną lapą

I tell them - march on one page


I tell them - march on one page
and no more talk
And her mother chirps and screams
One is louder than the other

Then another higher note tries to please
The third, in a softer tone, tries to trick
The fourth spins something about eternal classics
And so everyday during the day
Until you capture all their desires in one clear tangle of gray pencil lines
In one A4 sheet, which is worth more than the most valuable thing ever bought
It's like some professor's solution to an equation that hasn't been solved for ages

Girls, is there something on your mind when you think about the Christmas calendar, decorating the tree or tasting mulled wine with friends?
Maybe I'm missing something and not listening in all this commotion?

Perhaps I should add here that I was talking about clothing models?

Today I'm sharpening a pencil -
from the hustle and bustle
Nora-Gee ♡

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